Congratulations! Passing the GED® test and getting your certification can open a future filled with new opportunities!

Early registration for the summer and fall is now open. Please fill out this form (click here) to receive the registration form. All program’s details are below. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Please read carefully all the information below.

The registration for the summer/fall 2025 semesters will be processed online only. There are limited spaces available. To receive the registration form, please fill out the information form (click here)  Once you complete it and we process it, you will get the tuition payment link.

We are hosting our orientation sessions virtually, and only to those who already paid for tuition and is enrolled.

Please read all the details below to understand the program is right for you before you sign up.

You can do this! We have over 480 graduates and know how to help. Enroll, get your GED, and enjoy the benefits of education!

We offer preparation classes for GED® online with the first class on campus, in both English and Spanish. The State of Georgia currently allows individuals to present the GED® subject tests in Spanish or English. The tests for all four subjects must be presented in the same language. Bilingual students should take classes and present their GED® exam in their strongest language.

The GED consists of 4 subject tests: Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science. Each test can be presented separately.

With over a decade of experience, talented volunteer teachers committed to our mission will help you prepare for each GED® subject. They offer their time, talent and effort to help you succeed. Once you pass the GED Ready® test after a class (a practice test which assess your likeliness to pass the exam), we recommend you schedule your GED® exam right away. Your teachers will guide you on when is the best time.

Depending on your academic level and your performance in the admission test, you may be placed in a pre-GED class (remedial) or  advanced class. You will take a subject class at a time depending on how you score in your admission test and teachers availability. The order of classes will depend on how well you did in each section and the availability of classes/teachers.  Your effort and commitment plays an important part in determining how long it will take you to complete the entire program and obtain your GED® certification. It is expected that you will study during the other days of the week when you are not in class and that you will do the required homework. Failure to do either one of these will jeopardize your ability to remain in the GED® program and acquire the GED® certification.

We plan to offer classes in the spring/summer/fall in the following formats:

  • Online/Campus (hybrid or online only): 6-8 weeks duration. First class is offered on campus (or online) and the rest of the classes are online. Online material and software license. Virtual meeting with teacher once a week for 2 hours, usually on Tuesdays 7 PM to 9 PM.
  • Online only (summer semester). 6 weeks duration. Virtual meeting with teacher once a week for 2 hours, usually on Tuesdays 7 PM to 9 PM.

*Note that just attending your class is not enough to prepare you for the GED® exam. You need to work on your material as well as attend the classes.  Please read about “commitment and expectations” next.

We know you are busy, but we want you to graduate! Our program offers you a second chance to get your equivalent for high school education through a GED® certificate. To increase your success probability, you must commit to attend all 2-hour weekly classes (on time, punctuality counts towards your participation). Also, you will need to work on your own for at least 6+ hours a week on your homework and building your knowledge. We encourage our students to develop self-study skills and practice concepts learned in class.

Attendance to classes alone will not be enough to pass the GED® exam.

If you miss classes without a legitimate excuse, or you do not work on homework, or you are constantly arriving late, you risk being dropped from the program at any time. We want to give the opportunity to those students who do commit to graduate.

It is important that you understand the commitment before you enroll to the program. You can do this but it is your decision to modify your lifestyle and work on your education. We want you to succeed.

Please read our Frequent Asked Questions section.

*If you are a Centro Hispano Marista DACA student, you won’t want to become a dropout before you graduate. We do not and cannot renew letters for students who have withdrawn or were dropped from our program. Ask your lawyer about the repercussions. You do not want to be left out.

Although we are a nonprofit program, we need to invest in the program to better help you and get your graduate sooner no matter your background. The tuition is $120 (plus transaction fee) per semester. The reason we can offer this low tuition is because of the help of our volunteer teachers and support of our sponsors and donors.

*We normally charge an extra fee $30 fee to those students who do not re-enroll on time, or for those who are dropouts of our program and come back. It takes extra resources to process them again and differentiate them from new students. 

Books and/or online materials are not included in the tuition, but they can be purchased at cost from the Centro Hispano Marista at registration. When donations are in, we try to pass them for those reenrolling on time and cover these costs. The cost of books/material is about $30 (plus transaction fee) per term.

Note that you will still have to pay for the GED® test through an official GED® Testing Center in the state of Georgia. We suggest you take the test immediately after passing the GED Ready® at the Centro Hispano Marista. This is your responsibility. The cost for each of the 4 subject tests taken separately is $46 ($48 online version). You could get the GED Ready and GED tests for free if you qualify for the HOPE scholarship in the state of Georgia and apply for it. For more info, go to When you pass any of those exams, please let us know and send us a copy or picture of your results at or via text at (770) 742-9090 to update your records.

To register, you will need the following:

  1. Be 18 years or older
  2. Sign up for information online (sign up with this form to receive more information and an invitation for registration as the day approaches). Make sure you use your full legal name.
  3. Have an email account If you don’t have one, you can create one for free at or
  4. Picture ID. Passport, matrícula consular, drivers license will work. It doesn’t need to be current at the moment, but know that you will need to have a current one for taking the GED.
  5. Take the admission test.
  6. For online classes, you must have daily computer access and internet connection.

*We do not check immigration status neither need your previous academic documents (unless they are GEDs).

The registration for the summer/fall 2025 semesters will be processed online only. There are limited spaces available. To receive the registration form, please fill out the information form (click here)  Once you complete it and we process it, you will get the tuition payment link.

We are hosting our orientation sessions virtually, and only to those who already paid for tuition and is enrolled.

*Remember you need to fill out the registration form AND pay tuition AND take AND take the admission test to be enrolled in class.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates.

You can do this! We have over 480 graduates and know how to help. Enroll, get your GED, and enjoy the benefits of education!

The placement test will be only offered online. We will explain more details in the orientation meeting.

The test will have 5 parts, each part for one module (Language Arts, Essay,  Social Studies, Math, and Science). It will also include a typing test.

*Please note that we may not be able to enroll you if your academic level is below our Pre-GED classes. We will be happy to provide other options and help you find another program that fits your needs.

We highly recommend you prepare for the admission exam. You can work on your reading during the summer/ winter break, working on typing skills, and reviewing basic math concepts before registering. It will help you score higher in your admission test and qualify for advanced classes. All effort pays off. Please check these helpful resources.

If you feel ready to take any of the 4 GED exams before applying, take them! That way you can only work on those subjects you really need and graduate fasterMake sure you let us know in your registration application.

You will receive an email  your class information as we get closer to the first day of class. Please make sure your email is working and that you check it periodically.

Your first class will be on campus and the rest of your classes will be online.

Be aware of scams. The Official GED® is not offered online and should only be taken in an Official Testing Center. Preparing adequately for the GED® requires time and effort. Avoid any GED program that offers to prepare you for the GED® test but without requiring you to attend any actual classes. Also, for those students who need an Official DACA letter, be aware that not all letters from GED® schools will be accepted by Homeland Security. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services only accepts DACA letters from institutions approved by Homeland Security. The Centro Hispano Marista is an approved GED program.

All information regarding the education component for DACA applications can be found by clicking in this page. Please read carefully.

Do you have more questions? Check our FAQ page by clicking here.