Thank you so much for considering helping our program! It does not matter the amount, your contribution will help make the difference for our students. All donations are tax deductible.
We had received the generous support from the following organizations, as well as personal contributions from students, teachers, and other benefactors.
Society of Mary
Christ the King Cathedral – Bible Study for Women
Diego Family
Bundschuh Family
Taboada Family
Cathi Callahan
MacGinnitie Family
Arias Family
Kim Kingsfield
Christine Buckis
Lung Family
Kathy Parker
Judy Steffi
Freed Family
Michaud Family
John and Kathy Seggerson
Valencia Family
Palmisano Family
Guadarrama Family
Villegas Family
Calia Family
Dessables Family
Herrera Family
Werner Family
O’Donoghue Family
Orman Family
Negus Family
Rusty and Nancy Schaefer
Prieto Family
Gastaldi Family
Rene Rodriguez
Patrick Waldron
Guadarrama Family
Coveny Family
Jennifer Carlson
Maria Dolores Diaz
Vicky Gastaldi
Cecilia Phillips
Leticia Valencia
Collaborators and sponsors:
Marist School National Honor Society
In Memory of Ray Lung
We are very sad to share that our friend Ray passed away. He volunteered at Centro, and we will always remember how kind and wonderful he was. He was an amazing person with everyone, always full of energy, compassion, and generosity. We will greatly miss him. His family is kindly directing donations in lieu of flowers to our program to fund scholarships for adults in need of education, and we thank you all for your consideration. We’ll keep Ray and his family in our prayers, and may our Blessed Mother bring us all consolation.
Recent donations:
Christopher Mitchell
Amy Sadler
Arnald Capriles
Lynn Amoroso
Jacques Marcotte
Alvaro Lopez
Maria Solsrud
Erik Lung
Charles D. Deppner
Rhona Federer
*For more information, contact us at centrohispano@marist.com.
When young adults aspire to a better future and make the effort to receive an education, they improve their chances for a safer and better-paid job. There is a great need for education in the Hispanic community. Statistically, Hispanics show lower educational attainment and receive the lowest salaries compared to other racial groups. Our program can help close those gaps.
Most of our students are young adults and parents of young children, or they will become parents in the near future. Not only can they improve their quality of life for their families with a high school equivalent education, but also their children may feel motivated to continue their own education after watching their parents. These opportunities are important considering that the highest school dropout rates come from Hispanic students.
We have seen that many other Hispanic adults around our students get inspired to educate themselves. As our students reach their goals, their spirits and confidence rise. For our graduates, the dream of a college education now becomes reachable. When those in need improve their lives and have hope, we are all better off. We can change a community a student at a time. Be part of this change. Please consider donating to our program.
Centro Hispano Marista offers preparation for the GED® accreditation for young Hispanic adults who seek academic growth. Our GED® classes were held on the Marist School campus, located at 3790 Ashford-Dunwoody Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30319, every Tuesday from 7 to 9 pm, from September to May. With the pandemic, we offer the same classes but online throughout the year.
Classes are provided to pass the official GED® test in the state of Georgia, in either Spanish or English. Passing the GED® examination certifies that the tester has an equivalent for an American High School education. The state of Georgia issues their diploma after passing all their tests.
The number and level of classes required and the estimated time to graduate is based on student placement tests, post-tests and GED Ready® test results. Many of our students receive a registration and enrollment letter, but only after they have demonstrated their commitment to complete the GED® program. This letter is provided to students after one semester of their continued attendance.
All your instructors are dedicated professionals who volunteer to teach our students, which allow us to offer affordable tuition. Despite their busy lives, they take the time and effort to help our students succeed at their GED® tests and to give students some mentoring advice for life. Our volunteers are highly educated professionals, some of them are long-time teachers. All our faculty members have undergraduate degrees and most have decades of experience, masters, or doctoral degrees. Our faculty and some Marist School volunteers generated 2,010 volunteer/hours per year.
The program has demonstrated its effectiveness in preparing adult learners to pass the GED® exams. We have had graduations that ranges between 40 to 83 graduates per year since in our 2016. These great achievements are the result of the team effort of teachers, tutors, subs, volunteers, students, our leadership team, and our sponsors.
This program, which teaches the basic subject matter to enable students to pass the GED® exam, is funded primarily by Marist School in-kind contributions, private donations, and modest student semester fees of $120. We still need help to cover 20% of our budget. Centro Hispano Marista is a non-profit program. You can click to see or download the Marist School 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status letter from the IRS.
We want this program to keep running and we need your help. Your donations can help us better serve and prepare our students. We need your contributions to sustain and build our program, to reach more deserving young Hispanics, and to increase graduation rates in our community.
Consider helping Centro Hispano Marista and together we can effectively help our community. For more details, please contact Father Bill Rowland, Marist School president. Father Rowland can be reached at rowlandb@marist.com.